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Pink Eye

Pink Eye Care and Information Near You

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a common eye condition that affects up to 40 percent of people. There are several common causes of pink eye, however, the most common is allergies. At Family Eye Clinic, one of our three offices, located in Sherwood, Little Rock, and North Little Rock, AR, can provide eye care to prevent and treat pink eye. We offer everything from eye infection treatments to eye exams.

Pink Eye

What Is Pink Eye?

Pink eye, also referred to as conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye’s conjunctiva. Attributed to viral or bacterial infections as well as seasonal allergies, pink eye can cause a series of symptoms.

The most telltale symptoms are pink or red eyes combined with wateriness, pain, swelling around the eye lining, itchiness, dryness, and irritation. You might experience a seeping discharge as well.

Conjunctivitis can affect the nasal passages as well, leading to symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. The symptoms make this a very unpleasant condition.

Is Pink Eye Contagious?

Yes, pink eye is deemed incredibly contagious. If someone with pink eye sneezes, coughs, or passes bodily fluid onto someone else, there is a good chance that person will get pink eye. If you touch a surface that someone with pink eye has touched, then touch your eyes and do not wash your hands first, you could also potentially develop conjunctivitis. Pink eye is very contagious and you must be cautious.

When to See a Doctor About Pink Eye

While pink eye is not a serious eye condition, you should still see a medical expert if you believe you have it. That will help you control the spread, so you do not get your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues sick.

How Is Pink Eye Treated?

Your optometrist may recommend artificial tears to keep the eyes lubricated. Otherwise, you can recover from conjunctivitis by using warm or cold compresses and wet cloths to keep the eyelid area clean. Try to stick to one area of the house, limiting what you touch.

You have one further option if you have been diagnosed with bacterial pink eye: antibiotics. However, this does not help for viral cases.

How Long Does Pink Eye Last?

Viral pink eye can persist for a week or three. If it has been longer than that and you are still having symptoms, contact your local optometry office. Bacterial pink eye can clear in under a week, especially with the help of antibiotics.

Find the Right Eye Doctor Near You at Family Eye Clinic in the Little Rock, AR, Area

For eye care you can trust, count on the experts at Family Eye Clinic. We have three convenient locations in Sherwood, Little Rock, and North Little Rock, AR. We see many cases of conjunctivitis, which we can diagnose with a quick eye exam. Then, we will provide an eye infection treatment to get you feeling better again. Call us today.